You Can Do It Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (3) (c) non-profit organization founded in December 2015 by Dr. Jacqueline L. Knight.

Founder Dr. Jacqueline L. Knight
This organization is dedicated to helping individuals improve their lives by:
- Reducing the rate of recidivism
- Helping veterans
- Promoting self-sufficiency
- Advocacy for second chances
This is done by providing one on one coaching along with other tools and available resources.
The founder believes in awareness and meeting people right where they are by encouraging them, and reminding them that regardless of their situation, they can cross the finish line. Her vision is to encourage, empower, rebuild and motivate people from all aspects of life and age groups with hope, awareness, strength, motivation and determination to prevail in life. We live in a time where transparency and resiliency is needed and she is 100% dedicated to assisting individuals with the tools needed to sustain themselves with better opportunities as well as strengthen their inner being.
You Can Do It Foundation, Inc. will work diligently to identify the needs in our communities locally and globally, by providing assistance when needed.
You Can Do It Foundation, Inc. is an equal opportunity organization and will not refuse services to individuals regardless of ethnic background, religion, or gender